Sterling Archived Reports
FLATE’s Florida Sterling evaluation plan consists of 2 interdependent levels – various types of data to validate its performance with respect to its past, present and future goals and objectives and an overarching, strategically-oriented plan and process that ensure that we continue to strive for improvement in our processes and products.
Archived Reports:
- 2011 Stakeholder Survey
- 2011 Evaluation Report
- 2009 Annual Report
- Objectives-Measurements Matrix – 2010
- 2009 Organizational Profile
- 2008 Organizational profile
- Vision, Mission & Guiding Principles
- 2008-2011 Strategic Hierarchy
- Effectiveness Measures
- Target Objective Timelines
- FLATE Specific Goals and Target Objectives
- 2007 Measurement Hierarchy
- Target Objective Timelines
- Renewal Period Timeline
- FLATE 2009 Evaluation
- State Quality Award Organizations