FLATE Focus (February 2019)
FLATE’s Upcoming Spring 2019 Professional Development Events
Here at FLATE, we have many Professional Development events and workshops that we carry on all throughout the year and this spring we are excited to announce our three new PD opportunities.
Our first workshop this spring is the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council Certified Production Technician (MSSC-CPT) credential. This workshop is designed for Florida educators interested in manufacturing education. Last year, a packed agenda was centered around the updated standards from the MSSC Panel of Experts for the CPT as well as a new hands-on tool to support MSSC student learning, “Skills Boss”. The integrated small trainer was designed to provide hands-on activities that support the MSSC workplace standards. The Skills Boss will be especially helpful for those who have little or no experience in the manufacturing workplace, including high school students. Neil Reddy, MSSC CEO, will be at the workshop to address the educators and answer any MSSC questions. Also, a panel of educators and industry representatives who have been using the MSSC CPT will discuss how they have integrated the CPT into their program of study and into their work environments and culture.
The second opportunity, FANUC Certified Education Robot Training Cart (CERT) is a hands-on learning course that will get you up to speed with your FANUC CERT system by providing training with an actual robot that uses the same Roboguide programming software and curriculum you will be using in your classroom. Join us for this free 4.5-day training at the Central Florida College, Ocala that will get you up to speed on basic robotics programming and prepare you for the FANUC certification.
Our third opportunity is to attend STEM – CTE educator workshops in which the attendees will be enriched with knowledge and relevant tools for STEM educators interested and pursuing additional growth in their classes. These workshops are led by one of our very best in the Hillsborough County Schools, Libby Simpson. For more information, please contact her at:
Professional development opportunities are always posted on our FLATE wiki site. You can always check there for additional updates by clicking on the Professional development icon as well as explore any previous workshops and PD events offered by FLATE and its partners. Speaking of partners, we cannot do all of this alone and want to thank the many organizations that support these efforts in many ways from providing travel stipends (FACTE), meals (MSSC, Jaeger Education and others); Central Florida College (CCF) and Hillsborough Community College for hosting the events on their campuses and providing supporting infrastructure; and the Hillsborough School District, CCF, HCC, FANUC, Jaeger Education and Amatrol for providing an instructors and subject matter experts.
We continue to look forward to being a part of the growth of many Florida educators at these 2019 spring events! For more information, please visit the FLATE wiki or contact Dr. Marilyn Barger at (barger@fl-ate.org).
See you there!