possible, neither should you! The ET Forum has met at 18 of the 28 states and community colleges in Florida. The past 33 meetings have typically had representatives from 12-16 colleges attend. This spring we will be adding Florida Keys Community College as the newest college to the list of ET Forum hosts. We were excited to welcome Florida Keys faculty at the spring 2013 Forum, who at that time, immediately appreciated the value of the meeting and worked with us to host our upcoming spring 2015 Forum at their college on Stock Island from April 8-10. With special support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the 34thET Forum will include an additional day of “pre-Forum” workshops on Wednesday April 8, 2015.
in engineering technology education in Florida. Although an effective community of practice, the group is loosely knit unofficially with no official officers, no dues, no membership, no official registration and no bylaws. However, its attendees soon become tightly knit friends and colleagues that are extremely passionate about the value of this semi-annual meeting. The group meets twice per year and does have a “permanent Chair” and a temporary co-Chair, with the co-Chair slot temporarily filled by someone from the institution that is hosting the upcoming meeting.
Today, the Forum is an important professional event with news and updates pertinent to the participants from the Department of Education, Career and Technical Education division. Current workforce issues and industry practices are brought to the Forum via an industry and economic development panel that works closely with the host college. The host college also enjoys the opportunity to “show off” its facilities via a tour, and update the Forum on technology and/or related programs, including corporate and customized training initiatives.
updates and outcomes from related grant projects. The remainder of the half to two-day Forum is exactly that – a Forum with issues and topics submitted to the Chairs with the expectation that the submitter will lead that discussion. There are occasional formal presentations, but they are not the norm. The host college provides space and technology support. Our regional equipment and education vendors generously cover meals during the Forum in exchange for displaying their products and services.
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