Manufacturing Day and Month are now over for 2014, but we at FLATE plan to continue our work to change the perception students and parents have about careers in manufacturing as well as work on getting today’s current advanced manufacturing topics into the actual secondary and post-secondary technical programs. To support our own efforts in Florida and to provide ongoing momentum for manufacturing in our country, last week the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology provided to the Executive Office of the President (EOP) a roadmap for action. The executive summary of the report outlines recommendations in three categories (pillars): (1) Enabling Innovation (with 5 recommendations); (2) Securing the Talent Pipeline (with 4 recommendations), and (3) Improving the Business Climate (with 2 recommendations). A final ”implementation” recommendation is that the National Economic Council (EC) and Office of the Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) provide guidance as to the role of the EOP in coordinating the government’s role and the roles of various federal agencies for the implementation of the recommendations.
community perception of manufacturing in the U.S. In addition to FLATE’s own “Made in Florida” outreach initiatives and activities, there are a number of national efforts. These include: the national Dream It, Do It campaign; ChampionNow!; The Edge Factor video and curriculum series; American Made Movie and its educational resources; increasing number of student robotics competitions, commercial and college level design and innovation competitions; and the growing grassroots efforts of the “Maker Movement”. Some of these are partnering around the co-sponsored national Manufacturing Day. Hopefully, this alignment will continue so efforts do not compete, but grow more cooperative. Most have a special niche in the social puzzle of changing perception and changing culture. Partnering is the key to maximizing the efforts.
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