international educational experience for Florida’s community college students and educators. This National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE)-supported project, is one of eight pilot projects awarded to NSF Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Centers, and seeks to create an outstanding educational experience for educators and students enrolled in the FLATE-created two year, statewide A.S. degree in engineering technology. As part of the Iberian Partnership for technician excellence the objective of the internship program is to establish a strategic cooperation between FLATE and HETEL-Global Training Networks, in the Basque region of Spain, to support high quality international educational experience in engineering technology and manufacturing in Florida.
For more information about the international global internship program, or to serve as a host company for future interns visit the FLATE website, or contact Danielly Orozco, FLATE’s curriculum coordinator at 813.259.6575, or
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