Committee (NVC) and will serve as chair starting in January 2015. Iverson & Co., is family owned machine tool sales and service company located in Des Plains, IL. Terry was introduced to FLATE by John Stilp, past NVC chair because of his strong connections to the community and technical colleges in Wisconsin, Indiana, and Illinois. He brings an incredible passion for manufacturing outreach and education both in his service region as well as nationally. In addition to his passion, Terry brings a valuable “outside Florida” perspective to FLATE. Terry’s also founded “Champion Now! ( an organization promoting the manufacturing industry. As soon as he heard about HI-TEC 2014 conference being held in his region, Chicago, he offered to bring together some of the regional industry and college presidents for a presentation.
region (WI-IL-IN) and moderated a frank panel discussion. “Manufacturing Matters: A Panel of Presidents” on July 24 at HI-TEC. The panel was composed of presidents and college leaders from three states and one industry partner: Peg Lee, president of Oakton Community College (Des Plaines, IL), Brian Albrecht, president of Gateway Technical College (Kenosha, WI) and Warren Young, CEO of Acme Industries (Elk Grove Village, IL). Maria Coons, senior executive to the president at Harper College (Palatine, IL) participated from the audience. Approximately 50 conference attendees listened intently to the in-depth discussion and question and answer period offering a perspective from top college leadership, which frequently sets the stage for college manufacturing engagement. You can view this engaging panel discussion here
For more information on Terry Iverson and his ChampionNOW national initiative visit For information on FLATE’s NVC visit or contact Executive Director of FLATE, Dr. Marilyn Barger at
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