What It Takes to Be a Robotics Technician: The Nuts & Bolts
question for students and parents attending the recent FLATE’s national robotics week open house, FLATE’s Executive Director, Dr. Marilyn Barger, started with the O*Net site for robotics technicians. The official NAISC code is 17-3024.01—Robotics Technician, and the short (but official) definition of this occupation is someone who builds, installs, tests, and/or maintains robotic equipment, or related automated production systems.

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Starting with salary and wages, and employment, you can find out that the average 2012 annual wage for
this occupation is $51,820, and that there are approximately 16,000 people in the U.S working in that occupation. Not surprisingly, the 3,200 openings anticipated in this decade (2010-2020) are primarily in manufacturing and scientific and technical services. There is also a link to a much related occupation of electromechanical technicians and nearly 70% of the 16,000 robotics technicians have an Associate’s degree. Students can find good jobs as robotics technician after completing an Associate’s degree in engineering technology in Florida with one of several specialized tracks: advanced manufacturing; electronics; or digital design, or others at a state or community college near you
For more information visit www.madeinflorida.org, and www.fl-ate.org, or contact Dr. Marilyn Barger, executive director of FLATE at barger@fl-ate.org, and Dr. Marie Boyette, associate director of FLATE at boyete@fl-ate.org.