Legislators Applaud Educators for Advancing Career & Technical Education in Florida
Next week, during CTE on the Hill, a number of outstanding students will be sharing their knowledge and skills with legislators and government officials. “It is through the positive efforts of people like you that we can be assured that Florida’s students are prepared to take their place in the global economy” Duckworth said. For more information on the national CTE moth contact Chancellor, Rod Duckworth at rod.duckworth@fldoe.org, or visit www.fldoe.org/workforce. For information on local, FLATE-led CTE initiatives email Dr. Marilyn Barger, executive director of FLATE at barger@fl-ate.org, or visit www.fl-ate.org and www.madeinflorida.org.
Proclamation Signed by Gov. Rick Scott (Click to view larger image)