Manufacturing Essentials Course at HCC, Brandon!
Join the High-Wage, High-Growth Advanced Manufacturing World. Get Enrolled and Get On Board, NOW!
Who: Hillsborough Community College’s Technology Based Learning Initiative, the Employ Florida Banner Center for Manufacturing, and Polk State Corporate College
What: An 80 hour course that will teach you the advanced manufacturing basics that employers are looking for in today’s workforce.
How Much: Thanks to a grant from the US Department of Labor, tuition — normally $1,300— is only $375 (or less; contact us for details).
What’s the benefit: Get certified! Pass the four exams, and you’ll receive your nationallyrecognized Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) Certified Production Technician (CPT) certificate that can apply towards 15 credit hours towards an Engineering Technology AS degree.
Topics Covered
• Workplace Essentials:Communication Skills, Team Building, and Stress Management
• Safety: Personal Protection Equipment, Lock Out/Tag Out, and Ergonomics, … get your OSHA 10 Card for completing this section
• Production and Processes: Lean and Six Sigma, Supply Chain, and Business Basics
• Maintenance Awareness: Machine Basics, Blueprint Reading, and Troubleshooting and Root Cause Analysis
• Quality Awareness: Introduction to Quality Management, the Production Process, and Quality Improvement Systems.
Next class session: 5:30—9:30, Tuesdays & Thursdays, Sept. 21— Dec. 9, 2010, at HCC’s Brandon Campus, room BSSB 201.
For more details and to reserve your seat visit us on Facebook, or call the Technology Based LearningInitiative at Hillsborough Community College 813-253-7000 ext. 5518, or email Glenn Goonis at
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