FLATE 2.0 Strategic Planning
On December 11, 2020 FLATE held an online strategic planning and implementation session and collected input from the attendees on what “could be done” and “how” to support our 3 goal areas of strong, relevant curriculum: outreach and student recruitment and supporting educators. We are looking for more input from all FLATE stakeholders. Here is the specific request from Chancellor Henry Mack:
“As many of you may know, the Department of Education has committed a portion of its Perkins Leadership funds to aid in the expansion/enhancement of the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center (FLATE). This effort is in partnership with FloridaMakes. Currently, we are asking for key-stakeholder engagement in the vision/goal setting of “FLATE 2.0”. What should FLATE look like/do moving forward? Understanding that the principal aim is to develop first-in-class workforce education and training system for all things advanced manufacturing/technology and engineering technology, how shall FLATE act as a complementary force, convener, recruiter, curriculum developer or professional development provider”
It is important to us to secure as much feedback as possible.
To this end, might you or a designee review the goals below and provide any feedback to Dr. Barger
Below are 3 lists containing what has been suggested by stakeholder thus far.
GOAL 1. Provide State-of-the-Art Workforce Curriculum
- More Industry-Educator meaningful engagement
- Clear, seamless pathways. K12-TC-SC. Strengthen TC role
- Accelerate pathways/rapid credentials to enter the workforce. Focused on HS
- Articulate Tech C to State college programs.
- Coaching HS students in mfg programs. Connect sponsorship opportunities for mentors w/CareerSource
- Check/align industry endorsement of certifications
- IT-mfg connection – for future skills
- IT-summer boot camps for older students
- Summer internships for student
- FLATE involvement in Tech colleges
GOAL 2. Inform and Recruit Students and Parents Opportunities
- Summer programs for students (camps, etc)
- Internship as dual enrollment (summer)
- Invite parents, school counselors to programs w/Career Info
- Provide Colleges of education/ with career materials and PD
- Regional advisory council (industry, counselors)-meet twice a year all levels of related programs
- STEM camps for counselors (Goal 3?)
- Bilingual recruitment materials (w/videos)
- Outreach/programs nontraditional populations (girls, etc.)
- CTSO support (Skills USA. 2021 Virtual events
- More TV/Media coverage
- More engagement/interactive teaching tools for curriculum and outreach are here..
GOAL 3. Support World-Class Educators and Faculty Opportunities
- Address the need of updating educators/faculty skills
- Stem Connect (visiting lecture) Partner with Corridor for this program
- Summer programs for STEM teachers, counselors
- Statewide virtual internship for MFG, Adv Tech, IT
You can provide your input in any of the following 3 ways:
- Email directly to Dr. Barger referring to the Goal number (1, 2, or 3) and Item number if you are adding comments or details to one of the listed items. If you are suggesting something not listed already say GOAL 3: new item, xxxx.
- You can download this word file -and add your comments to any item right in the table or add a new row to the file and email the edited file to Dr. Barger. Add you name to the top of the file.
- Lastly – you can submit your ideas by using survey button below.
There are no bad ideas! Its time to dream big!