MSSC credential aligned ET Degree
Engineering Technology Degree Alignment to Industry Validated Credentials
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and others have recognized the importance of industry and academic credential alignment to support Learn and Earn strategies to increase enrollment and completion in post-secondary degree programs. The Florida Plan for manufacturing education implements this approach using industry validated stackable credentials. FLATE, its industry and academic partners together with the Florida Department of Education designed a national model in the form of the statewide Engineering Technology A.S. (Associate of Science) Degree Program. Eleven ET Degree granting colleges in Florida are charter members of the National Association of Manufacturer’s Manufacturing Institute’s “M-List“. The M-List recognizes high schools, community colleges, technical schools, and universities that are teaching manufacturing students to industry standards.
The degree has 3 major components: (I) general education; (II) an ET technical core; and, (III) specialization tracts that address regional industry needs. The ET Core aligns with the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council Certified Production Technician (MSSC-CPT) national certification. The statewide articulation agreement provides 15 credit hours of the ET Core for anyone enrolling in the degree program and having a current CPT credential. Therefore, anyone in the country who holds a valid MSSC-CPT credential can graduate with the A.S. Engineering Technology degree after completing 45 instead of the required 60 credit hours. Building on this credential or the ET core courses, students take specific courses related to one of eight specialized technical tracks in their second year of study. College credit technical certificates aligned to each of the specialization tracks provide additional flexibility for students to earn while they learn.
FLATE is an NSF Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Center of Excellence. ATE programs endeavor to strengthen the skills of technicians, whose work is vitally important to the nation’s prosperity and security. In ATE centers and projects, community colleges have a leadership role and work in partnership with universities, secondary schools, business and industry, and government agencies to design and carry out model workforce development initiatives.
Engineering Technology Frameworks
Degree Reform
Industry, community colleges, FLATE, and the Florida Department of Education partnered to produce the Engineering Technology A.S. Degree Program. It has 3 major components: (I) general education; (II) an ET technical core; and, (III) specialization tracts that address regional industry needs. The ET Core aligns with the MSSC Certified Production Technician (CPT) national certification. A statewide articulation agreement provides 15 credit hours of the ET Core for anyone enrolling in the degree program and having a current CPT certification.
Find out more about Engineering Technology college programs here
- Download ET Degree Implementation Map
- ET Curriculum Reform Summary
- 2014 ET Degree Enrollment Trend Report
- Engineering Technology A.S. Degree – Key Milestones 2008 – 2014
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Curriculum Frameworks DocumentsThis FLDOE Curriculum Frameworks are posted on the Manufacturing Cluster webpage and can be downloaded as .rtf files. All FLDOE Curriculum Frameworks are reviewed by an industry and educator panel every 3 years. The ET Degree Core frameworks we reviewed in 2012. The Curriculum Frameworks for the ET Specializations and their associated college credit certificate were reviewed in 2013 and will be reflected in the 2014-2015 documents posted in spring 2014.
The Florida Department of Education compiles documents describing many degree and certificate programs. From Aerospace Technology to Simulation Technology and everything in between. Florida Department of Education REFERENCEEngineering Technology Curriculum Resources A. Mapping Files – Critical Work Functions and Key Activities B. ET Program justification (This file was submitted with the Engineering Technology Curriculum Frameworks as justification for the new program.) C. ET Statewide Articulation Agreement (This Statewide Agreement was first approved on Feb 27, 2008 by the Articulation Committee of the FLDOE as the first such statewide agreement in Florida. Colleges awarding the ET Degree had previously approved it. All future adopters of the ET Degree are bound by this agreement, which is reviewed annually by the FLDOE.) D. Statewide articulation committee support packet F. MSSC/FLDOE Frameworks/ ET Degree Technical Core Course Outcomes Alignment H. Practical, Technical and Industrial Occupations (8700300)