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Manufacturers Association of Florida (MAF) MAF advocates for the collective needs of Florida manufacturers. MAF and its partner in- dustries, together with FLATE, sponsored the FL Trend NEXT six year outreach adver- torial campaign to reach high school students with the message of manufacturing careers. FLATE research noted that this campaign was difficult to tie back to enrollment and hiring results, and looks forward to new joint outreach initiatives. The MAF also hosts FLATE’s educators’ awards ceremony at their annual summit banquet. FLATE is a non-voting mem- ber of the MAF Board of Directors. MAF’s Center for Advanced Manufacturing Excellence (CAME) The MAF Center for Advanced Manufacturing Excellence, Inc. is a 501c3 organization in- volved in training and educating students and the public about manufacturing skills and ca- reers. CAME is also the home of the Dream !t Do !t campaign in Florida. Manufacturing Extension Partnership (FLMEP) The Florida Manufacturing Extension Partnership is an affiliate of NIST’s Hollings Manu- facturing Extension Partnership (MEP), a national network of 59 centers that provide assis- tance to small and midsize manufacturers with the common goal of strengthening the glob- al competitiveness of U.S. manufacturers. MEP has partnership agreements with several organizations in order to reach a wider audience and provide a unique array of services to manufacturing companies in Florida. FLMEP is starting to enter the world of educational outreach at different levels across Florida. National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) NAM is the nation's largest industrial trade association, representing small and large man- ufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Developed by NAM, the goal of the Dream !t Do !t campaign is to help young adults find careers that they can be passionate about in one of manufacturing's many exciting sectors. NAM provides a national lens through which to view Florida manufacturing-related activities, providing a valuable outside perspective. The Manufacturing Institute Jennifer McNelly, president of The Manufacturing Institute, the non-profit affiliate of the Na- tional Association of Manufacturers (NAM), drives an agenda focused on improving and expanding manufacturing in the United States through education, innovation, and re- search. The institute leadership is a member of FLATE’s National Visiting Committee and FLATE serves on the Education Council of the Manufacturing Institute. The two organiza- tions share expertise and collaborate on projects with similar goals. The Manufacturing In- stitute has resources for a variety of education and credentialing initiatives. 19
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