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Valuable Partners for Manufacturing Manufacturers across the state have called for a one-stop-shop where they can ac- cess contact and other information they need. FLATE has this ready for you. Just visit our website, call, or email us. We pride ourselves on expert “Baldrige Sterling” customer service for our stakeholders, and are pleased to answer your questions and help make the special connections you need. We also offer support to help you develop and im- plement MSSC-aligned educational programs as well as outreach models. FLATE has the resources, knowledge, skills, and ability to weave together our award winning “Synergy in the Sunshine State.” Opportunities for help abound in Florida. We are fortunate to have partners with the in- sight and expertise to strengthen and build Florida’s ready-to-work education system and who are ready and willing to help. The following list provides information and web- sites where you can learn more about these useful and varied resources. Association of Florida Colleges (AFC) FLATE is active in AFC’s Occupational and Workforce Commission. Participation in AFC provides opportunities for FLATE to focus and share outreach and college recruitment within the occupational and workforce context of Florida Colleges. AFC hosts several meetings each year and provides an excellent opportunity to meet like-minded col- leagues and vendors, attend relevant workshops, and learn from Exemplary Practice presentations. Florida Association for Career and Technical Education (FACTE) FACTE is a non-profit organization committed to the development of education that will prepare both young and adult Floridians for successful careers. FACTE’s role is one of leadership and support for CTE teachers, administrators, and students by working to- wards the growth of CTE students, staff, materials, information, communication and fund- ing. The organization facilitates professional leadership and partnerships essential for the successful preparation of individuals to participate in a world class workforce. FACTE al- so encourages the development of local associations to promote advocacy and profes- sional development for career and technical education. Florida Career Pathways Network (FCPN) FCPN is a membership organization for educators and employers involved in the ad- vancement of Career Pathways, Tech Prep, and related education reform initiatives. FCPN is Florida’s leading career pathways organization and serves as a network where members share and discover best practices for secondary, post-secondary, adult education, and military career pathways. It provides an avenue to middle and high school manufacturing programs, focusing on the pathway from middle school to college. FLATE is a member of the FCPN Board. 18
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